15 February 2011

Barking Mad

Just when I thought it was safe to go back into the water my peace and tranquility has been smashed again.  I don't know what it is about Asians and their dogs?  I was going to call them pets but who keeps a dog in a tiny cage and never lets it out or never takes it for a walk?  What's the point?  I really don't get it.  Except when it comes to the Koreans perhaps (and there is a large contingent of them living in Subic) who may be contemplating eating the wretched beast at some stage but even then, don't they understand the concept of free range hounds?

And now my neighbours, who already have two caged dogs that are never let out, have decided to get another one.  I mean come on, why would you decide to get a third one?  And being as it's a puppy it kept in the tiniest wire cage and yaps and whines continuously.

Early this morning it was just too much and I (almost) snapped.  Jumping out of bed and donning a pair of shorts and a tee shirt I bounded downstairs and marched over to the fence.

Just about holding it together and remaining good mannered I gestured to the guy wandering around the neighbour's yard.  I tried to explain to him that if he didn't stop the dogs from barking I would report him to the SBMA (Subic Bay Municipal Authority), who allegedly have very strict rules on the issue of noise and pet keeping.  

Unfortunately, I couldn't make myself heard over the cacophony of barking and the guy was obviously some domestic helper or gardener and didn't understand English, so I hauled my driver over to explain.  The guy said said he would tell the owner of the house but clearly from the look on his face he couldn't understand what my problem was.  

So it seems that the owner, who is hardly ever there, likes to keep barking dogs in cages because he doesn't have to bleeding well listen to them.


1 comment:

  1. Report them and in the meantime get some earplugs

    P e t e
