25 September 2013

Flying Blind

I'm not sure why but birds seem to have a problem with seeing the windows on the house I live in.  On several occasions I've been startled by a loud bang on the window when a bird has crashed into it.  My guess is it's because the windows have a solar coating on them that makes them mirror like on the outside. I think this confuses birds because the house is surrounded by forest and so the windows reflects the forest and the birds fly towards it.

Below is a kingfisher that smacked into the window and stunned itself so I was able to take a photo.  It sat there for a minute blinking, looking like it was trying to remember where it was and where it was going. One of the cats approaching soon focussed its attention and it flew off at high speed so it would appear it was unharmed.

A while back it wasn't such a happy ending.  A flock of bright green parakeets flying in formation weren't so lucky and were killed as a result of smacking into the window.  I have a photo of around six of them all lined up on the ground dead as a door nail, and if I can find the photo I'll post it here.

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