28 February 2012

Returning Dilemma

I get homesick.  I've never really acclimatised to the tropical weather, the food, the culture and I think I've only manage to stick it out because I spend most of my time in the relative comfort of an air conditioned office.  

To an extent I suffer from culture shock and the thought of long summer days, crisp frosty mornings and steak and kidney pie have me forming an escape committee of one.

But then I read the UK papers and I realise that what I'm hankering for is to return to an England as it was, not as it is now.  Here's today's offerings, all reported in the same day's issue:
  • A man with a mental age of two in a hospital where he's supposed to be cared for is found to have been gnawed by a rat, and the staff apparently didn't realise until they saw him wandering around with said rat hanging off him with its teeth embedded in his shoulder.  They claim it was a field mouse.  A nice, cute, cuddly field mouse.  As if that makes it okay?  And since when have field mice been carnivorous?
What with all this and the myriad of other depressing issues (including fuel at £1.50 a litre - not a gallon - a litre and VAT at 20%) I ask myself what would be the point in returning when I'm sure that there's a large selection of England's population planning to or would like to leave?  

I suppose I just need to look for an alternative.


  1. Tasmania or New Zealand South Island

  2. Tassie I think. NZSI is just too far from anywhere. I may as well go back to the Falklands.

  3. Thailand, I'll be heading that way soon enough need some one strong to push me around in me wheel chair....!

  4. He is strong enough to push you around in your wheelchair, but do you really want to listen to all that winging?!!!lol

  5. I would recommend that you go into a retirement home back in Maidstone that has pretty nurses!
