23 June 2014

No Excuse

There really can't be any excuse for this and my apologies for the graphic image but unfortunately this is not so uncommon in the poorer parts of the Philippines.  People may be very, very poor financially but surely there's no need for these kind of medieval latrine practices.  Not in the 21st century.

Having a poo in the street gutter whilst your brother points out the
the interesting contents of what may have passed through your bowel
whilst your parents sit and drink coffee in the street.

Is it any wonder disease is rife?

22 June 2014

Woody Woodpecker

This chap (or chapess) was nesting in the tree in the neighbour's garden.  That was until high winds bought the branch down that they'd been pecking out for so long to make a home.

Pecking out a new home

At home 

14 June 2014

Snake in the Grass

I haven't seen any live snakes here but dead snakes on the road are common enough.